In the bustling streets of Sydney, amidst the vibrant energy of the city, a story unfolds—a story of passion, resilience, and unwavering commitment. Meet Jonathan Tsoupis, the visionary behind Studio xOx, whose journey epitomises the essence of transformation and dedication.
Born in Sydney in 1984, Jonathan's early years were shaped by the tranquil landscapes of Papua New Guinea. Amidst the serene surroundings, he attended Murray International Primary School in Port Moresby, relishing the idyllic childhood that unfolded.
At the age of 12, the family returned to Sydney, marking a transition from tranquillity to urban dynamism. It was here that Jonathan discovered his passion for soccer and embraced his fervour for Tottenham Hotspurs amidst the bustling streets of Kingsgrove.
Initiating a trade at the young age of 16, Jonathan joined Jim's Tiling Service, embarking on a journey of craftsmanship and mastery that spanned eight years. His thirst for exploration led him to the UK at 21, where he immersed himself in various roles, honing his sales skills and gaining a newfound perspective.
Throughout his journey, Jonathan harboured an unwavering desire to help others succeed, believing in the power of a good heart and an enjoyable sales process. In 2009, in Sydney, he seized an opportunity and purchased a shop, marking a pivotal moment in his entrepreneurial journey.
The inception of Amalfi Tiles in 2010 was a serendipitous beginning, born out of a chance encounter and fueled by Jonathan's love for the Amalfi Coast. Over the years, he expanded the business and his team, culminating in a full-circle return to Papua New Guinea in 2018, where he successfully quoted for 60 apartments—an evolution that marked the birth of Studio xOx.
Today, Studio xOx stands as a testament to Jonathan's journey—a journey of passion, resilience, and unwavering commitment to transforming dreams into exceptional experiences. With a vision to redefine interior design with purpose and passion, Studio xOx strives to be more than designers; they are storytellers, crafting narratives that resonate with depth and meaning.
At Studio xOx, the purpose is clear—to provide a tailored solution for builders seeking excellence in design. Every interior space is envisioned as a canvas where creativity thrives, leaving an indelible mark on every project undertaken. Passion fuels their commitment to excellence, driving them to create immersive experiences that transcend the ordinary and inspire the extraordinary.
Jonathan's journey is not just a story—it's an inspiration, a testament to the transformative power of passion, resilience, and unwavering commitment. And at Studio xOx, this journey continues, as they strive to elevate interior spaces into something truly extraordinary, one project at a time.